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Angel Protection

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Angel Protection

The angels are already listening for your voice and your requests, they are ready to serve you as best they can. Angel protection is available for everyone, you just have to ask, although you do have to ask for protection and you can ask by saying out loud or saying silently and in prayer. It depends on which way you are comfortable with as to the method you choose. If your situation changes dramatically and suddenly becomes dangerous, for example, if the house is on fire you can simply ask for protection right then and there. Do not hesitate, just ask. They are not too busy with other people that you are calling them away from matters that are more important. The angels are in legions and are waiting to help, they will not ignore you they would do as you asked


How to invoke angel protection

To invoke angel protection is an easy Step but one that you have to make. It is up to you to ask for protection from the angels, you can ask for protection for other people as well as yourself


Protection for yourself every day

You can ask for personal everyday protection every morning as the Day starts, say out loud I ask the angels to protect me as I start this new day immediately an angel is there


Protection for your family

Say out loud I ask the angels to protect my family and keep them safe from harm and free from Danger immediately an angel is there


Protections for travel

say out loud I ask the angels to protect me on my journey today and that my travels will be harmless and I will reach my destination safe and sound immediately an angel is there

Angel protection will be in place until you say you don't need it anymore, when a day has come to a close or the journey is done


Types of Angels

There Are 9 types of Angels through their sphere and choir in the third sphere and 8th and 9th choir the archangels and legions of Regular Angels are ready to help you.

Two main types of Angels

We as humans call upon the two types of Angels,

The archangels by name

The regular angels

 You would typically not call upon the other Choir of Angels


Archangels to call on

Archangels work mainly in a broad stroke and see the big picture and they are always around. They may direct the lower Angels to attend to your needs when you ask. Archangels of a higher echelon than the regular Angels, for instant results you can call on an archangel by name for help.


Angels to call on

Regular angels are able, ready and waiting for you. They will help all they can. You can have many angels helping you at one time, there is no limit to the number of Angels you can call upon. When the task is completed and you have found a love, a lost watch or a new job the Angel goes away. If you need another you only have to ask you can ask for many Angels to be near you at all times and it will be so.


Guardian angels

A guardian angel is assigned to each soul on Earth. Your Guardian Angel is with you from your conception to your death and guides your soul towards the light. Your guardian angels only job is to help and guide you and no one else. When you call upon regular angels your Guardian Angel stays with you and works with them as well


Find your Guardian Angel

When you start to work with Angels and Angel Therapy you will be going to have a relationship with your Guardian Angel ask your Guardian Angel to be close and then you will feel their presence. It is up to you to ask them to be near and become closer in your life. Your Guardian Angel loves you and wants to help you


How to work with your Guardian Angel

Your Guardian Angel is there to help and protect you. They are not there to change your fate or to interfere with your freewill. You have to ask for your Guardian Angel to help you specifically if there is a special thing you desire. Your Guardian Angel knows you well as they have been with you all your life


Naming Your Guardian Angel

You may like to name your Guardian Angel because it makes it easier to speak directly to them from your point of view. The angels know you were talking to them but it sometimes helps to differentiate the regular Angels from your Guardian Angel if you give him or her a name. Most women choose a feminine name and most men choose a masculine name for their guardian angel but it is up to you. If you decide to call your guardian angel, angel or Angela tell him or her so she knows then you can simply ask to speak to Angel or Angela in your thoughts and prayers and out loud and she will hear you and know it is him or her to whom you are talking.


How not to work with your Guardian Angel

Your Guardian Angel or any angel will not help you do harm to yourself or to others or do bad things. They will not help you rob a bank, they will not help you commit suicide.  Angels are created by God and they keep his law. They are his emissary for humans

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